Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vacation in MA

Last week, we traveled back to Massachusetts to visit with family and friends.  Our goal is to get back East every summer, but with pregnancies and very small babies, this is a little tricky.  Since we didn't make it last summer, we were very excited to get there this year.

There were lots of cousins and new friends to play with and so the twins had a blast.  Iver was his happy self and was thrilled to be held by so many new people.  We (meaning KLC) took a ton of photos on the trip, which hopefully we'll get organized and uploaded soon.  In the meantime, I thought I'd share a couple that I took with my iPhone, which is probably the right vehicle for my photo-taking ability (which is not very high).

Note to self: consider buying the extra seat once the babies get to be about, say, 10+ months old.  Iver was a trooper with the flights, but he's just a little too big to sit on our laps for 6 hours.  And, unlike the twins, we can't give him a video or books to entertain him.  The good news is that he was entranced with the airplane safety card.  I think that kid knows more about how to exit a plane than anyone!

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