Friday, March 22, 2013

PDX w/ Grandma

We took a quick trip down to Portland last weekend to visit Grandma Ruth.  Full disclosure: I'm the one who helped the twins fashion their sling shots.  I have no idea why, but this is what you get when you have a courtyard full of sticks and a couple of rubber bands, I suppose.

This is a photo of Iver sleeping, because, well, apparently people can never take too many photos of their sleeping baby -- even if they probably all do look pretty much alike ...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Not Going Bananas for Bananas

Now that Iver is officially 6 months old (no, I can't believe it either), we have been introducing various solid foods into his diet.  For the past few weeks, we have offered him rice cereal once a day, usually in the morning.  Last week, we tried avocados.  This week, it was bananas.  You can see the reaction.  I wouldn't say it's utter disgust, but more like confusion as to why these parents of mine would put this weird substance in my mouth.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Ultimate Yogi

I used to do yoga very regularly when I lived in Massachusetts, as in three to five times a week.  Now that I'm approaching 40 years old (OK, it's still 8 months away) and I only get to yoga occasionally, I can only dream of certain ranges of flexibility.

This is all heightened by having a nearly 6-month-old who can put his toes in his mouth.  I tried to capture this feat with the iPhone camera, but couldn't quite manage it.  But, trust me, he can do it (like most babies, I'm sure).  Why can't adults retain some this?  Instead I feel creaky when I stand up from a sitting position half of the time.  It's a little scary and pathetic all at the same time.