Tuesday, October 22, 2013


There's been a lot going on with us these days -- between school, work, pregnancy, owning two houses (and trying to organize work being done on one while contemplating selling the other within a handful of months) -- we're basically at maximum capacity around here.

That said, I'm trying to document what I can.  Right now, Iver is in the midst of "talking" all of the time.  I call this "Iverese" because it is uniquely his language.  He'll talk like this when you're changing his diaper, when he's going to bed, when he's in high chair -- basically all of the time.  It's hard to capture it on video because he wants to touch my phone as soon as I take it out and point it at him.  That said, this little clip (http://youtu.be/cctBbArlKXM) will hopefully give a glimpse at our budding linguist.