Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Macarena

For those of you who thought the Macarena was just a bad dance dream from the '90s, I'm here to tell you differently.  It's alive and well and apparently being taught in P.E. classes in NE Seattle.  If you don't believe this good news, take a look at what the twins can do.  We are so keeping this to embarrass them with watch when they are older.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Intensity Face

Before we get to the title of this post, I need to do some catching up on the past couple of weeks.  First off, we had a very fun Halloween around here.  The twins got to go to a school party, go to a Halloween party at taekwondo, and then hit the streets for trick-or-treating.  They managed to get a haul, but since one twin doesn't even like candy (except to sort, trade, and play with) we gave a vast majority of it away.  Not before I secured a handful of Reese's peanut butter cups for myself ...

Here's a pic of the crew.  Iver was 'dressed' as a pumpkin, but A & J really stole the show with their wizard and robot costumes:

(Despite his expression in this photo, Iver thought it was great that his brother and sister were in costume.  He knew exactly who they were under there.)

This brings me to the unrelated, but worth noting, phenomenon with Iver that we call "Intensity Face."  What is this, you may ask?  Well, it's something that started happening a couple of weeks ago primarily at the breakfast table.  We'd all be sitting there and occasionally Iver would do this thing where he'd open his mouth and shake his head a little while looking at all of us.  Then he'd start laughing.  Then we'd start laughing.  Now, it's at the point where he'll do this to us to get us to laugh.  Or, if we want to make him laugh, we do it first and then he'll do his own version and then start laughing.  It's hard to describe and this video isn't the finest example, but it gives a little glimpse into how Iver's personality is developing at this stage (that is, being a complete ham at times).  Take a look: and