Thursday, January 24, 2013

Swaddled No More

At our pediatrician's recommendation, we decided it was time for Iver to transition from swaddles to sleep sacks.  This might not sound like a big deal, but it sort of was -- at least to me.  Since the day he was born, we have swaddled him every time he slept (unless he was in the car seat, of course).  He's been a great sleeper so far -- knock on wood -- and I'm sure the swaddling had something to do with it.

But as he's getting older and more likely to roll over (which he hasn't done yet), it's apparently somewhat dangerous to let him stay swaddled in case he flips himself over and couldn't get back.  Hence, the switch to sleep sacks.  So far, Iver continues to be a rock star baby sleeper so I suppose he wasn't the swaddles after all.  Still, I think I'll hold onto them just for me.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Crafty Skills

For me, a hat appears only if I order it from the Patagonia catalog or visit REI.  In other words, I have zero skills when it comes to anything useful like knitting.

It's a good thing that our kids have people in their lives besides us.  That's how they end up with interesting scarves, mittens, and hats.  This one is actually intended for his older brother, but Iver couldn't help showing off this adorable robot hat, courtesy of our friend Tasya.  Now where did I put that catalog?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tummy Time

We are finally getting back into our routine of school, work, and non-holiday festivities.  We had a snow-filled week in Bend, OR, after Christmas.  It was my first trip there and it is a beautiful part of the country.  The downside is that it is a fairly hefty drive from Seattle (7 hours) or even Portland (3-4 hours) where we stopped on the way in both directions.  I have to say that all of the kids were great travelers and even those long drives didn't scare away from going anywhere again, so that says something.

Iver has his 4-month appointment tomorrow, which always reminds me that I should be doing things like giving him tummy time every day.  Even though I fail my maternal duty to devote dedicated time to this on a daily basis, somehow the little guy has been doing the work on his own.  (I'm thinking he's doing baby yoga when I'm not looking.)  The result is that he's starting to push himself up and I think he'll be rolling over any day now on his own.  Since you shouldn't trust me on these things, you can see for yourself: