Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We're Back!

What, you might be wondering, happened to posting regularly from China? Well, it turns out one of the first things I learned is that you can't access many sites from mainland China including things like blogspot, US/everywhere else Facebook and Twitter. I'm sure there are many more websites that just don't exist for most Chinese people because they've never seen them, but those were sort of shocking to me.

Since I didn't get a chance to post while I was there, I'm going to put up several entries retroactively beginning tomorrow. It won't be exactly a day-by-day account, but it will give a pretty good idea of what our trip was. KLC will be sorting through her many photos and so those will get uploaded in the not-so-distant future as well.

At the moment, KLC and I recovering from just making it back to Seattle after a fairly grueling 12-hour flight to Beijing with another several hours going through customs and the connecting flight from San Francisco. There's a difference of 15 hours between China and here so, when combined with all of the flying, we're a little bit out of it. The twins are being dropped off tomorrow morning so we're hoping to get ourselves together and restock the house with food before then.

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