Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One Month In

It's hard to believe that it's been a month since I left Boston and landed in the Pacific Northwest. In some ways, it feels like I've been here a lot longer, and in others I feel like it's been no time at all. Some things won't change (I still check regularly and know that the Red Sox are a lost cause for 2010), but some others have. These include:

* Less free time. This is a no-brainer since I went from being on my own to living with three other people -- including two who often choose to forget that they know how to use the potty.
* Different weather. It's supposed to be in the 70s and sunny here tomorrow, but yesterday it was raining and in the 50s. I actually wore Smartwool socks and clogs in August. Completely new territory to me.
* Costco. I've learned to love it -- or at least like it -- because it's more than just myself to feed. I still, however, get complete stimulus overload every time I walk in the door. (They also had Christmas stuff out the last time I was there and I'm not OK with that this early in the year.)

Probably the most significant difference from a month ago until now is that I have KLC and these two great kids in my life on a daily basis. This is not to say that we all don't have our moments, but overall I miss them -- all of them -- when they are not around. Now, if we could just work on the whole using-the-toilet-all-of-the-time thing, that would be perfect.

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